Get the Daily Recruitment Tasks Done with FreyStaff

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Sign up and post your hiring task

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Meet your recruitment assistant

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Start recruitment jobs

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Get results and updates daily


What simple recruitment is at FreyStaff


You place a Job Description with what your perfect candidates should look like.


We connect you with Personal Hiring Assistant who will guide you throughout the process.


Relax and track the progress through our handy dashboard.


As soon as we get and prescreen candidates, you’ll get access to their CVs. No delays.


Get more productive hiring with FreyStaff platform


Obtain full control over the process with our transparent real-time analytics


Add unlimited supervisors and reviewers to your process


Work with more than one open role simultaneously


Use automated unbiased CV screening based on AI


Get as much candidates as you need


Book calls with your dedicated hiring assistant directly when you need


Get easy-scalable team of sourcers and recruiters


  • Personal Recruitment Assistant will guide you according to your business needs. We offer individual load times based on your specific requirements and a conversion rate analysis. Rest assured, we guarantee full transparency and control throughout the process. You will know for sure how many candidates were reached out to and other metrics important for successful hires. If you are unhappy with our service, you can cancel anytime.

  • Based on our experience, you will get 5 hand-picked CVs with the first few days.

  • Typically, we handle up tp three open roles at the same time. It’s the best ratio for you to evaluate candidates we send for review.

  • You can conduct as many interviews as you want. However, we recommend a maximum of three interview per day, as conducting more can be exhaustive. But if you need to schedule more, simply inform your hiring assistant.

If we miss something you want to know more about, you’re free to speak to us. Just fill the form below.